Applied Business Concepts Has Navigated This Course Before.

Why Choose Applied Business Concepts?

Revenue growth is critically important to small companies. It is a basic need for a company to survive, let alone thrive. Yet, identifying potential customers, selling them and growing customer relationships seem easy in concept. Further, the activities, systems, processes and management skills needed to accomplish these tasks are widely known. So why does effectively accomplishing these tasks remain such a challenging course to navigate?

The challenges come from many sources. Perhaps there is a lack of the foundational knowledge to identify and target appropriately customers with compelling offerings. Maybe optimistic sales expectations or inappropriate sales approaches do not fit the realities of the specific markets. Or, frequently any early sales success stalls because the efforts have not evolved to accommodate market changes, competitive responses and business scale. We can fix – or if brought in early enough, prevent -- these (and other) challenges and set the client on a course towards long-term growth.

Finding the right person to meet these challenges is tricky because the nature of these challenges change with scale. Because of this, hiring someone experienced in start-ups may not work out well as your company scales. However, an experienced mid/large company hire may flounder in the early stages of sales and market penetration. What is needed is experience in successfully navigating these growth challenges.

Applied Business Concepts brings the knowledge and the experience managing these areas that impact sales growth. This experience spans vertical markets as well as company scale, from startup to Fortune 100 companies. We have helped numerous clients navigate these waters before and are the experienced crew to chart and help you sail your challenging course.

Applied Business Concepts addresses the basic client need for growing revenue.

Over 70 years ago Abraham Maslow identified the human “hierarchy of needs.”  Companies also have such a hierarchy of needs. For companies cash is equivalent to the human basic need for air – they won’t last long without it. The second priority for companies is revenue, being equivalent to the human need for water.

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For humans, the need for water is unrelated to the need for air. However, for companies the need for revenue is tightly connected to the company’s first priority - cash. Revenue contributes to cash either through retained earnings, or by demonstrating market traction and attracting invested cash. Without revenue, a company will soon run out of cash and perish.