Applied Business Concepts works closely with clients to determine what is needed as well as in implementation and execution. For some activities we are completely integrated into your team, carrying your business card and working shoulder to shoulder with your employees. In other activities we augment your team, handling tasks your team may not have experience with or doesn’t have available bandwidth to undertake.

All our work is based on a methodology that is broad, comprehensive and structured. However each client engagement results in a unique solution to the meet your specific situation.

We are transparent. We outline our activities and why they are needed. Findings are discussed and resulting plans and direction are mutually agreed-to with your stakeholders. Execution is closely monitored and reported.

It is clear to everyone we are temporary help, brought in to achieve specific goals. Whether the engagement lasts a few months or over a year, our focus is on bringing you to a better position as measured by early product revenue, solid market penetration, a larger pipeline, etc. However our role doesn’t end there. We also ensure your continued success once we leave. As we discover market factors, develop customer know-how or implement processes and systems, we educate your personnel so that we leave a sustainable infrastructure for your continued growing.

Applied Business Concepts doesn’t require long-term contract commitments – we work with clients until goals are achieved or we are no longer needed.

Whether on-site or remote, we maintain an open, flexible working atmosphere. Engagements styles vary to best align to your environment, ranging from consistent in-office presence to more remote work with frequent calls or skype interactions.