
Helping You On Your Journey

Applied Business Concepts is a skilled partner in helping B2B clients successfully grow revenue with new products and in new markets. Our strengths stem from the broad mix of knowledge, experience and understanding we bring to our engagements. Specifically we have:

  • Solid knowledge and understanding of what is needed for the client situation
  • Seasoned first-hand experience having sold as well as managed sales, marketing and business development teams and efforts -- over an extended period of time and in multiple companies
  • Experience and insights that span operational scales from startups to Fortune 100 companies
  • Applicable vertical industry experience, knowledge and connections
  • Personal understanding of and dealings with client’s partners (ex.VC or Angel investors, analysts, channel partners, OEM customers, etc.)

We have sailed the course our clients are looking to undertake -- multiple times before. We apply our skills and experience to not only achieve near-term revenue growth and market penetration, but also implement client infrastructure, process and transfer of the needed skills to continue the journey in the future.