Applied Business Concepts teams with B2B clients to generate, grow and maintain client revenue. Overall we identify, reach, sell and close prospects as well as retain and strengthen your existing customer base. This range of work involves three broad stages:

Identify and Prepare for Customer Interactions

  • Identify and prioritize market opportunities and segments based on size, time-to-revenue, delivered value, required investment, competition, risk, etc.
  • Clarify, test and refine the value proposition and offering(s)
  • Identify and develop channel(s) needed to address prioritized market segments
  • Develop lead sources for prioritized markets and targeted customer profiles
  • Evaluate, prepare and refine (as needed) go-to-market readiness (sales and business development, marketing, product, support, finance, etc.)

Engage and Close Prospects

  • Initiate sales process on early targeted prospects
  • Design/build and refine sales process, CRM, funnel and gates to drive revenue
  • Execute and refine sales and marketing efforts based on market response
  • Expand lead sources to feed the sales funnel
  • Manage prospects through the funnel to closed sales

Grow and Keep Customers

  • Evaluate customer feedback on client's offering, sales and execution
  • Implement needed changes to improve customer reception, delight customer experience in onboarding and use, improve cross/up selling and increase retention

You may merely need help in one of these three stages. Or, if you have a new business venture, you might look for assistance encompassing all three stages. In either case our engagement will determine not only the “what should be done” and the “why”, but also the “how” and the “when” (i.e. sequencing order and appropriate timeframe). All this is integrated with implementation by us and your team.

Engagement methodology involves examining a number of critical components of your business. These range across the functional areas of marketing, sales/business development, management, product, support and finance/accounting (see figure below). The importance, urgency and detail each of these components receives depend on your specifics, i.e. industry, maturity, scale and other factors. By examining these key components and their interplay we can prioritize the needed activity and implement the needed course towards long-term growth.

At the end of an engagement you will have achieved revenue growth and market penetration. Your team will also be armed with the playbook, systems and processes -- as well as the knowledge and training -- to carry the growth further. We are there to plot the client’s course, help set the appropriate sails and navigate the voyage towards the destination of greater revenue growth and market penetration.


Key Business Component Focus



  • Brand Strategy and Management
  • Campaign Messaging
  • Campaigns
  • Channel Strategy / Partnerships
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Customer Experience, Satisfaction, Retention
  • Customer / Partner Facing Documents
  • Lead Generation
  • Marketing / Customer Research
  • Marketing Communications
  • Marketing Training
  • Messaging Framework
  • Pricing
  • Sales / Marketing Tools & Collateral
  • Marketing Scorecard
  • Segmentation / Target Customer Profile
  • Trade Events
  • Value Proposition
  • Website


Sales / Business Dev.

  • Channel Management
  • Sales Cycle
  • Account Planning Tools
  • Forecasting
  • Pipeline Management
  • Sales Compensation / Quota Attainment
  • Sales Operations
  • Sales Prospecting
  • Sales Scorecard
  • Sales Training
  • Selling Process / Cycle
  • Deal Terms / Approvals
  • Territory Planning
  • Win / Loss Review


  • Product / Service Management
  • Product Information
  • Product Roadmap
  • Reliability / Availability / Serviceability
  • UI / UX Overall Usability

Senior Management

  • Business Model
  • Cascading / Coordinated Goals (Sales, Marketing, etc.)
  • Supporting Organizational Structure
  • Talent Planning
  • Corporate Messaging (Press, Investors, etc.)
  • Coordinated Rhythm of the Business


  • Customer Onboarding
  • Custom Training
  • Product / Service Support


  • Invoicing
  • Reporting